Kylie May

Kylie May

Layla Faith

Layla Faith

Zoey Noelle

Zoey Noelle


Our baby boy, due March 16th.

Saturday, August 04, 2012

The Manly Man Experience

I attended my first Manly Man conference this weekend. That sounds weird. Mark Gungor started this a while ago. He has a heart for teaching men to be Manly Men and women to be Butt Kicking Women and has had these conferences for the last few years. I had the privilege of working this event. Needless to say, there weren't many women around. It was super crazy leading up to it, and now I can finally relax. Well, until church tomorrow morning.

The conference went really really well. I seriously love this job. I love feeling challenged. And pushing myself to do something I've never done...and pulling it off! (Well, I think I did!) It really feels good to accomplish something new. On to the next challenge - turning it into a product. Another thing I've never done before. But I'll figure it out with some help from the team. I'm so grateful that my boss allows me these opportunities to push myself into something I've never done. And backs me up with encouragement and guidance. I am truly blessed.

The crew I had was amazing. Thank you, guys! It takes a team of seven to pull off what we did. I appreciate your respect for me and help with setting shots. Thanks for being creative for me. Your service is such a blessing. I literally wouldn't be able to do my job without you! And like I always say, you make my job so much easier.

As you can tell, I've been around men all weekend. I didn't have anyone to share all my feelings with. So, that's what you get tonight. (hehehe)

On a serious note, the "One Year" of our grim reaper appointment is coming up. Time has gone by so fast.

I just finished up at work. Kylie's at my sisters for the weekend. We'll get her tomorrow after church. Enjoy your Sunday!

1 comment:

NanaDiana said...

Congrats on a fine job with the Mark Gungor series. I love his sense of humor and his "realness". My heart aches for you as the One Year anniversary approaches- Blessings- xo Diana