I see...
- a thank you, yet to be given, for a gift we received when Layla was born.
- a reminder to renew my driver's license before my 27th birthday.
- a coupon booklet from Target for 'all things baby'.
- a bill from our homeowner's insurance for our house in Stevens Point.
- papers for applying for a duplex and filing our taxes.
- a Sharpie that's always arm's length away for labeling dvds.
I feel...
- a little overwhelmed.
- accomplished and proud of the things I've done.
- older than 27.
- reminded that I don't have a baby.
I hear...
- HGTV on quietly in the background. just enough noise for Kylie to stay asleep in our tiny apartment and to keep me from sitting in silence and thinking about all the things I miss

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